

Orbital angular momentum is the product of the mass, velocity and orbital radius of an orbiting body and a vector force pointing away from the orbited body which balances the force of gravity a vector force pointing toward the center of mass of the orbited body. Increasing mass or velocity of an orbiting body has a multiplier effect on the orbital angular momentum and no effect on gravity which increases the orbital radius of an orbiting body as the mass or velocity increases.

Scientists thought they knew the rate at which the giant moon Titan is moving away from Saturn, but they recently made a surprising discovery: Using data from NASA’s Cassini spacecraft, they found Titan drifting a hundred times faster than previously understood — about 4 inches/year.

Titan and Io propogate field lines around their orbital paths which capture electrons from the solar wind and conduct high amperage counterflowing currents which electrify the moons’ surfaces and induce a voltage potential between surface and core where electrons transform into field lines.

The voltage potential powers core electric currents and photons induced by mantle heating transform into electron positron pairs at the core surface where electrons transform into field lines resulting in residual positrons which merge in trios, trios are trapped by transiting electrons and transform into protons.

Protons transform in exothermic reactions into mantle elements which increase the mass, orbital momentum and radius of their planetary orbits.

Io’s volcanism has led to the formation of hundreds of volcanic centers and extensive lava formations, making it the most volcanically active body in the Solar System. Lava flows on Io, tens or hundreds of kilometers long, have primarily basaltic composition, similar to lavas seen on Earth at shield volcanoes such as Kilauea in Hawaii.

The magnetosphere of Jupiter sweeps up gases and dust from Io’s thin atmosphere at a rate of 1 tonne per second. This material is mostly ionized atomic sulfur, oxygen and chlorine; atomic sodium and potassium; molecular sulfur dioxide and sulfur; and sodium chloride dust.

Io orbits Jupiter with a velocity of 17 km/sec. The Io plasma torus rotates with a velocity of about 74 km/sec. Since Io is embedded in the Io plasma torus, the torus plasma flows past Io with a relative velocity of 57 km/sec.

Jupiter’s ionized rotating core transforms the rotational momentum of moving charges into dipole moments which is captured by the field and powers the high velocity ring current around Io’s orbital path of heavy ions ejected from Io’s volcanoes and obstructed by Io’s mass reducing ring current velocity, and increases Io’s orbital velocity by pushing Io in the direction of Io’s orbit.

The three Galilean satellites are involved in orbital resonance, in which the orbital periods of Ganymede, Europa and Io are in a near 1:2:4 ratio and the mutual conjunctions of the Io–Europa pair and of the Europa–Ganymede pair precess around Jupiter at precisely the same rate.

…one model suggests this resonance was progressively achieved after Io moved outward into a near 2:1 resonance with Europa, and then the Io–Europa pair moved outward until Ganymede was captured into its own near 2:1 resonance with Europa.

The six planets of HD110067 form successive pairs of 3:2, 3:2, 3:2, 4:3, and 4:3 resonances, resulting in the closest planet completing six orbits while the outer-most planet does one.