BEFORE THE OCEANS Before formation of the deepwater oceans planetary surface area was equal to the surface area of the continental land masses lithosphere draped the mantle in an unbroken rocky shell, puntuated by volcanoes which relieved internal pressure from transformation of electrons and positrons into mantle elements and increased planetary surface area by thickening the lithosphere. Similar rotation periods and axial tilts suggest Earth and Mars may have been in geosynchroneous oribits, before formation of the deepwater oceans, between their present solar orbits. Titanium deposits on the near side of the moon suggest the moon moon’s surface may have been heated by atmospheric friction before the moon impacted earth, rebounded into lunar orbit, and knocked Earth out of orbit from Mars. A map of the titanium abundances on the Moon’s surface indicates extremely high concentrations compared to terrestrial rocks. We mimicked the high-Titanium basalts using high-temperature experiments clearly demonstrating how the melt-solid reaction is integral in understanding the formation of these unique magmas. The impact with the moon shattered the lithosphere and began creation of the deepwater oceans. Since then planetary mass has increased tenfold, surface gravity has increases two and a half times, planetary surface area has increased three and a half times and surface curvature of the landmasses has decreased from the surface curvature of Mars to the surface curvature of the deepwater oceans. Earth’s orbital momentum is the product of planetary mass, velocity and the radius of Earth’s orbit around the sun which balances the force of gravity between Earth and the sun. The tenfold increase in planetary mass has increased Earth’s orbital momentum by an order of magnitude which has been increasing the radius of Earth’s solar orbit for 250 million years. The Late Cenozoic Ice Age has seen extensive ice sheets in Antarctica for the last 34 Ma. During the last 3 Ma, ice sheets also developed on the northern hemisphere. They first appeared with a dominant frequency of 41,000 years, but changed to high-amplitude cycles, with an average period of 100,000 years. Four of the five major ice ages happened before the Permian extinction. The Mesozoic period was tropical, without icecaps or ice ages and the planet is now in an interglacial period with polar icecaps between ice ages which began again around 3 million years ago, suggesting Earth has been recieving less solar irradience as the planet moves further from the sun. In humans and bovids, cortical bone has been evaluated to withstand maximum stress. Hence, within the context of comparable loading regimes, the mechanical state of each sauropod model examined suggests that all skeletal pedal postures would most likely have resulted in mechanical failure (e.g., stress fractures). This state would have been intensified when subjected to repetitive heavy loadings, as would be expected during normal locomotion, ultimately resulting in fatigue fracture in all digits. Being unable to support or move properly, the high probability of mechanical failure would have had a substantial impact on the animal’s survival. The huge Quetzalcoatlus northropi lived 70 million years ago, stood as tall as a giraffe on the ground, more than five meters tall and weighed 250 kilograms. The Kori bustard is the heaviest living animal that can fly. Males weigh between 10 and 16 kilograms and the biggest up to 23 kg. For comparison, the wandering albatross has a larger wingspan, but only the biggest reach even 16 kg. |