The omniverse is matter and antimatter universes and atoms are electrons and positrons, 2d and 3d photon quanta with opposite and like polarity to the fields of stars and planets in each polarity universe, of monopole charge and dipole moments induced by their ionized rotating cores trapped in cycling frames by field lines transformed from electrons, and electrons in one polarity universe have the same polarity as positrons in the other.

solar heliosphere


Deep space is charged by electron jets from antimatter universes and the ionized solar winds of stars electrically attract electrons from deep space inducing a voltage potential powering solar electric currents which transform voltage potential into kinetic energy until electrical resistance of the corona transforms kinetic energy into starlight.

protons are photons

Ions composing the solar wins are protons transformed from high energy photons at the solar core surface which induce monopole charge in the same instant as positron trios cycle through singularity with two electrons and like monopole charges induced in the same instant are electrically repelled with a force which powers the solar wind.

Solar winds carry field lines antisunward, filling the solar heliosphere with field lines grounded in the solar atmosphere around the poles which capture and conduct electrons sunward with a force which increases inversely as deviation of the field line from the solar path and powers high amperage currents along low deviaton field lines into the solar poles.

The planetary fields obstruct the solar wind in the orbital plane and field lines carried antisunward with the wind drape and open circuits with planetary field lines grounded in the atmosphere inside the auroral ovals and form antisunward tails with low solar path deviation inducing a voltage potential which power sunward tail currents of electrons trapped on draped field lines.

CMEs of ionized coronal mass draped by electrified field lines grounded on the solar surface are propelled anti-sunward by the repelling force between electrons draping the CME leading edge, and between CME ions, which explosively extends CME field lines anti-sunward when a CME escapes solar gravity.

CME’s intersecting the planetary field electrify outer planetary field lines and solar field lines draping the field inducing a voltage potential powering high amperage sunward tail currents and high velocity sheet currents of CME electrons along planetary field lines grounded in the atmosphere inside the auroral ovals inducing auroras and electrifying sectors of the auroral ovals facing the night sky during geomagnetic storms.

The repelling force between electrons charging sectors of the auroral ovals after geomagnetic storms powers expansion of the electrified air mass away from the poles which increases wind speed and extreme weather along the interface with the ambient mid latitude air mass.


SolarCycle 24: 2013 x 2014 x 2015 x 2016 x 2017
Solar Cycle 25: 2021-23 x 2024

September 10, 2024: Mixed-polarity Sunspot AR3814 exploded while directly facing Earth: The ultraviolet flash (category M1.2) ionized the top of Earth’s atmosphere and caused a brief shortwave radio blackout over the Pacific Ocean. Mariners and ham radio operators may have noticed loss of signal at frequencies below 20 MHz between 00:15 and 01:00 UT.

September 11, 2024: Geomagnetic storms are possible for the next three days–especially on Sept. 13th when a full halo CME is expected to strike Earth head-on. NOAA predicts a chance of G1 storms on the Sept. 11th and 12th, followed by a G2 storm on the 13th. Active sunspot AR3814 is crackling with solar flares and may have hurled as many as four CMEs toward Earth in the past 36 hours.

September: 12th 2024: A CME hit Earth’s magnetic field on. The impact sparked a 24 hour geomagnetic storm. At the apex of the event, Göran Strand photographed a rainbow-outburst of auroras over Östersund, Sweden:

September 15 2024: At least eight people have died after some of the heaviest rain in years hit central and eastern Europe, causing flooding and widespread disruption. A slow-moving low pressure system dubbed Storm Boris dumped a month’s worth of rain onto several of Europe’s historic capitals, including Vienna, Bratislava and Prague.

In Poland one person drowned in Klodzko county and authorities advised residents of Moszczanka and Laka Prudnicka to evacuate after a dam at risk of collapse breached. In Austria the same day, a firefighter died in action, the fire department told CNN. In Romania, two more people were confirmed to have died from flooding on Sunday, following four deaths on Saturday, Reuters reported.


Tornadoes are ionized cloud droplets which transform the rotational momentum of moving charges into dipole moments which induce their sum as a dipole field along the tornado rotation axis with opposite polarity pole attracting cloud ions toward the ground.

Tornado dynamics


Electrified weather systems charge land surfaces and the oceans which induces a voltage potential between the planetary surface and core where electrons transform into field lines which powers core electric currents from electrified land surfaces along ferrous conductors and from the oceans through the electrolyte discharge from hydrothermal vents in the deep ocean trenches.

High energy photons transform into protons at the planetary core surface, where electrons transform into field lines, and protons transform in exothermic reactions with core current electrons into mantle elements which increases mantle mass and planetary surface area as magma upwells and forms new lithosphere between the spreading oceanic plates.


Formation of the deepwater oceans began 250 million years ago at the beginning of the Mesozoic Era when planetary surface area was equal to the surface area of the continental landmasses and the lithosphere draped the planet in an unbroken rocky shell streached flat by internal pressure, from transforming protons and electrons into mantle elements, powering volcanoes which increased planetary surface area by magma eruptions.


At the beginning of the Mesozoic, before formation of the deepwater oceans, planetary surface area was equal to the surface area of the continental masses and planetary mass was 10% of present day. During the Mesozoic era planetary mass and surface gravity has doubled two and a half times, as suggested by the gigantic sizes of Mesozoic land animals.