The omniverse is matter and antimatter universes. Atoms are electrons and positrons, 2d and 3d photon quanta with opposite and like polarity to the fields of stars and planets, of monopole charge and dipole moments induced by their ionized rotating cores trapped in cycling frames by field lines transformed from electrons, and electrons in one polarity universe have the same polarity as positrons in the other.


Global weather systems are powered by repelling forces between electrons charging sectors of the auroral ovals after geomagnetic storms and by dipole moments induced by rotation of the ionized core which powers the west to east movement of global weather systems.

The repelling force between electrons after geomagnetic storms expands the charged air masses away from the pole, pushing back the mid latitude air mass, wqhich increases wind speed, barometric pressure and extreme weather along the jet stream interface including blizzards, flash flooding, tornadoes and wildfires.

SolarCycle 24: 2013 x 2014 x 2015 x 2016 x 2017
Solar Cycle 25: 2021-23 x 2024 x 2025


Hydrocarbons are not fossil fuels. The planetary field transforms electrons and positrons into mantle elements. The water and carbon fraction is released from volcanic vents, fillimg the oceans, released to the atmosphere as CO2, and saturating the lithosphere hydrocarbon deposits of natural gas, crude oil and coal.

CO2 is emitted from volcanic vents at a constant rate, increasing atmospheric CO2, global temperatures and growth of plants which sequester CO2 from the atmosphere as biomass and limestone until CO2 and the next ice age begins. The interglacial period depends how long plants take to draw down CO2 emitted since the beginning of the last glacial period.

The length of glacial period depends on how long volcanic emissions take to increase atmospheric CO2 and weather temperatures enough to melt the icecaps and resume plant growth. Atmospheric CO2 and temperatures have rebounded since the last interglacial period to the highest levels in over 100,000 years.

In a 2011 peer-reviewed paper, scientist Terry Gerlach summarized five previous estimates of global volcanic carbon dioxide emission rates that had been published between 1991 and 1998. The global estimates fell within a range of about 0.3 ± 0.15 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide per year, implying that human CO2 emissions were more than 90 times greater than global volcanic carbon dioxide emissions.

Industrial age CO2 emissions are about the same as CO2 emissions from volcanic vents since the end of the last ice age and both will continue raise atmospheric CO2, global temperatures, and the rate of plant growth in plants until forest, jungle, and oceans ecosystems start to draw down CO2 faster than CO2 is emitted to the atmosphere.

A new assessment reveals plants worldwide are absorbing about 31% more CO2 than previously believed. Published in the journal Nature, this research is expected to enhance Earth system models used to forecast climate trends and underscores the critical role of natural carbon sequestration in mitigating greenhouse gas emissions.

The models showed that clouds form more frequently over forested areas than over areas with short vegetation, and researchers observed from satellite data, clouds tend to form earlier in the afternoon over forested areas, which results in a longer duration of cloud cover and time for clouds to reflect solar radiation away from the Earth.


The planetary field transforms electrons captured from the solar wind and protons transformed from photons induced by mantle heating into atoms which increase mantle mass and surface area as magma upwells and forms new oceanic lithosphere between the spreading oceanic plates.


Before formation of the deepwater oceans began 250 million years ago planetary mass and surface area was equal to the planet Mars, the planets were in geosynchroneous oribits with 24 hour orbital periods, same axial tilts and a solar orbit about half way between their present orbits, until an impact knocked Earth into a closer orbit around the sun.